Investment approach

At Nexwell, we believe in identifying differentiated opportunities that create economic value and have a balanced focus on community, environmental sustainability, and financial growth. Our long-term vision is designed to meet the needs and concerns of all stakeholders, including the environment, our investors and our local communities.

Our commitment to transparency and accountability

We operate on a principle of complete transparency—upstream, downstream, and laterally. This minimizes unintended outcomes and aligns all parties toward common objectives. Our governance structure is fortified with strong ethics policies and accountability mechanisms, ensuring we do right by our stakeholders.

The power of diversity

We recognize that we don't have all the answers. That's why we maintain a diverse and independent board that provides both external and conflict-free perspectives and independent voting. This diversity extends to our investment evaluation process, where we incorporate insights from behavioral economics to better understand market and consumer behavior.

Our differences

Early-stage funding

Having built and scaled several businesses, we can provide essential early-stage nurturing and funding to launch high-impact decarbonization solutions.

Structured engagement

Our investments are structured for long-term engagement, learning, and impact. This includes board seats, advisory roles, and ongoing participation with an entrepreneurial spirit.

Bridging financing gaps

We evaluate opportunities based on our ability to bridge financing gaps, carbon reduction potential, and educational value for broader sharing and symbiotic fit within the group.

Governance and ethics

We instill strong governance through transparency, ethics policies, and accountability to all stakeholders.

Sustainability and ESG

These commitments are not just add-ons; they are core to our investment strategy and the operations of our portfolio companies.

Multiplicative impact

We favor core initiatives that can attract additional funding post our initial investment, thereby multiplying our impact and value add.

Partnership approach

We share our expertise and networks to help our companies scale sustainably, creating synergies and network effects among portfolio companies for mutual benefit.

Please contact us if you are interested in co-investment opportunities with Nexwell:

We invite you to join us in making a meaningful impact to our planet while also achieving strong portfolio results. Please reach out to learn more about how you can be a part of the Nexwell journey.

Contact us